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mark bussell


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As the SR Director of ENTERPRISE REVENUE ENABLEMENT and SALES OPERATIONS.  I work every day to empower our organization to rise to the next level.


Whether it is facing forward --dreaming, planning for what is possible, and how we might get there -- or building a culture of continuous learning in some of the most challenging circumstances ever.   


It is part art, part science FUELED by Imagination. Vision.  Curiosity. Coaching. Facilitating. Innovating. Listening. Solving. Connecting. Resourcefulness. Leadership. Marketing.  Collaboration.  Training.  Inspiration.  Patience and Humility.    


And then making it ALL happen. 

Mark Bussell Inspire Sparkpoint

The journey hasn't always been easy and it is far from over. 

Along the way, I have discovered that curiosity is important. 

I am a natural optimist. But I struggle at times.


Most days I feel like I can make a significant impact and difference.  Not just at work but far beyond.   


If I am being honest; it took me a while to find my true purpose.  But when I did..everything changed.  

'The decisions became more straightforward, the value of every day increased,  and fulfillment flowed instead of trickling.  


I am a bit of a unicorn; I have worked in the same organization my entire professional life.   

  • Sales Representative

  • Sales Manager

  • Training Manager 

My current role allows and requires me to paint outside the lines.  Part sales enablement, learner,  thinker, dreamer and doer, activist, strategist, connector, communicator, coach,  Chief of what is possible,  and more.   

I like to sum it up as it is my responsibility to help individuals and the organization rise to the next level, regardless of what level we currently reside at. It is challenging and thought-provoking, at times Frustrating, but ultimately super rewarding.  


There have been a few refueling stops along the way.   I slowed down to grab a few extra College degrees during a time when I desperately needed to rekindle my love of thinking and continuous learning.   


 I founded SparkPoint and became an adviser and coach for numerous individuals,  companies, and organizations along the way.  


At the foundation is a wonderful family.  My wife, Melissa, is simply the most impactful person I know.  So smart, filled with energy and life, and has this ability to connect and live compassionately.   


Our children Monica and Mitch each filled with unbelievable stories and experiences, a passion for life, and their own way of bringing light to a room.  


And of course our dog WALLY.  HE is never short of joy and makes me smile and feel at home.  


I am so fortunate, grateful, and lucky. 


There is more... so much more... and I am looking forward to sharing over time.   

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