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The why is your headline. 

Whether an organization or an individual,   I believe it is vital to discover,  define, declare, and understand what your purpose is and what that empowers you to accomplish.   

What makes you different?

 What is important to you

What is fulfilling?

 What drives you?

It becomes your guiding light when adversity strikes.


For me personally-

I realized how many people and organizations are living as spectators of their days. I saw them humming along on conveyor belts of blind expectations. Then I realized I was on that same people mover, living a good life, but a life from a box, filled by society, not the real me.

That awareness is what helped change it for me. 

 It wasn't easy.   It took some soul searching. 

It took some time.


I love the word SparkPoint. 

I am not sure if I made it up-- but I think I did.  


SparkPoint. [noun]  The space that you feel energized,  fulfilled like you were meant to do this. 



My SparkPoint

For me to be in my zone, to feel fulfilled-

I know these are my filters. It doesn't mean that I can ignore everything else. 

But this is where I try to prioritize my time and energy.     

The question becomes--

What is yours?  

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